• +92 (370) 233-1844
  • info@buzfiler.com
  • Boulder, CO, 80302, USA

USA Services

USA LLC Formation

Get your company registered in the USA

Business Address

Get business address for your USA Company

EIN Number

EIN Number or Federal tax ID to represent IRS

Seller Permit

Seller Permit / Resale Certificate

Federal Tax Return

File your business federal income tax

Sales Tax Return

File your sales tax for the state

ITIN Number

Get your individual taxpayer identification number

Trademark Registration

Get register you trademark in the USA

BOI Report Filing

File your beneficial ownership information report to FinCEN

LLC Amendments

File any kind of changes in your LLC

Business Bank Account

Get your virtual or physical bank account in the USA

Merchant Accounts

Get merchant accounts or stripe on your LLC

LLC Reinstatement

Get your LLC Reinstate in any state of the USA 

LLC Dissolution

Get your LLC Dissolved in any state of the USA

Registered Agent Service

Hire registered agent to represent your LLC at your business address

Foreign Authority Certificate

To represent your one state LLC in other

UK Services

UK LTD Formation

Get your company registered in the UK

Business Address

Get business address for your UK Company

Corporation Tax

File your Corporation Tax return to HMRC

Company House Return

File your Annual return to Company House

Confirmation Statement

File your Confirmation Statement to Company House

LTD Amendments

Get any changes in your UK Ltd

VAT Registration

Register your UK LTD for VAT

VAT Filing

File your VAT for your UK Ltd

Trademark Registration

Get your Trademark Registration in the UK

Copy of Documents

Get your missed LTD documents

LTD Reinstatement

Get your UK LTD Reinstated 

LTD Dissolution

Get your UK LTD dissolved

More Services

Bookkeeping Service

Get Bookkeeping Service for your business

Taxation Consultancy

Get Consultancy for your business to optimize tax

PnL and Balance Sheet

Get your PnL and Balance sheets ready for your tax return filings

Business Consultancy

Get consultation on ecommerce and online businesses